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Practical Intelligence Quiz, Part C

See if you can come up with the "correct answers" for this third part of the quiz.

  1. Take two apples from three apples and how many do you have?
  2. A woman gave a beggar $2.00. The woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How can that be?
  3. In the Bible, how many animals of each species did Moses take aboard the ark with him?
  4. Why can't a man from Spain legally marry his widow's sister?
  5. If a hunter shot at ten birds roosting in a tree and killed two of them, how many would still be in the tree?
  6. Have you ever been in a room when a baby was born?
  7. An electric train is traveling at a speed of sixty miles per hour. If there is a wind of thirty miles per hour following it, which way would its smoke be flowing?

The answers are shown below:

  1. Take two apples from three apples and how many do you have?
  2. Two apples.

  3. A woman gave a beggar $2.00. The woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How can that be?
  4. The beggar must be the "woman's" sister.

  5. In the Bible, how many animals of each species did Moses take aboard the ark with him?
  6. Moses didn't take any because it was Noah who took them aboard the Ark.

  7. Why can't a man from Spain legally marry his widow's sister?
  8. Because he is dead. How else could his wife be a widow?

  9. If a hunter shot at ten birds roosting in a tree and killed two of them, how many would still be in the tree?
  10. None of them would be there because the rest would have flown away.

  11. Have you ever been in a room when a baby was born?
  12. Yes you were, at least once, when you were born.

  13. An electric train is traveling at a speed of sixty miles per hour. If there is a wind of thirty miles per hour following it, which way would its smoke be flowing?
  14. There is no smoke from an electric train.

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